Test Driven Development is Very Approachable

Othello_board Growing up I always enjoyed a good game of Othello. The rules of the game are very simple, but it takes a lot of work to become really good at Othello. There is a great tagline used to describe this game; “A Minute to Learn...A Lifetime to Master”.

The same can be said about Test Driven Development. In fact, when NimblePros hires interns in the summer, we go to recruiting events and set up laptops for people to write some code using TDD. When there are no students in the room, we’re the ones working on the code. Even our seasoned developers need to practice using TDD or we’ll never become better at using it.

The great part about this is that you don’t need any experience with TDD in order to sit down and start. You don’t want to sit down and start using TDD on legacy code, but simpler problems are a great way to get started.

We like doing these exercises as it allows us to not only see who can write code, but also who is willing to take the leap and try new things. This is one of our self-selecting techniques of evaluating people. Would you hire an employee not willing to go out on a limb and try something new? I wouldn’t.

I have two points to make: it’s easy to get started with TDD and if you don’t practice it you’ll never master it.

Sure, I can grab students from a college who may have only heard of unit testing in a class and have never really implemented it, but will those students ever get good at TDD. I think that they will if they work hard and actually use TDD. You have to practice it though. TDD will slow you down at first, which is why you need to practice it.

Agile Planning with Fewer Stakeholder Fights

If you’ve ever had a team responding to the needs of multiple stakeholders I am sure you’ve seen some interesting trends. Some stakeholders will sit quietly and have their requests ignored while others will always push their needs to the front. This of course happens in a lot of different fields. There are always the pushy people who want their stuff done first, because it’s “top priority”. Maybe it is, but that’s not for the team to decide.

So how can you prevent problems from arising from this type of behavior?

I recommend that you spread as much information about things as possible. In the past I’ve found that when dealing with decision makers it is best to make them aware of the other things you’re working on. If your team has an informative workspace that makes available all of the tasks you’re working on they’ll be able to see what is currently being worked on.

Keep your backlog of tasks in priority order and make the whole thing visible. Make sure also that adding something to the front will require physically moving another task back. It’s much harder to ignore the displacement of someone else’s request when that request must be physically moved.

Another great way of handling this is to make sure all of the stakeholders are present when ordering the list of tasks. This will make it quite clear if one person’s requests are all being put at the front of the line, and can help allow for some compromises to occur instead of an argument.

Disagreements over whose need is more important are not the place for the development team to be involved.I’m not saying that a fist fight will break out, but you want to avoid upsetting anyone. Your best situation is when you don’t have to make a decision about whose task to work on. I find that people are more considerate of other people’s needs when they’re made visible, so make sure that stakeholders see the displacement of another’s work.

Let Others Work on Your Code

Don’t be overprotective of your source code. Allow others to make modifications, improvements, refactorings, and even defects (as long as those get fixed immediately). I am talking about two different Extreme Programming practices here: collective code ownership and pair programming. A non-developer friend of mine has been reading about agile software development and asked me last week about pair programming, "do you guys do this 'pair programming' thing?"

I think even among developers the pair programming concept is one of the strangest aspects of extreme programming.

Yes, a lot of agile development teams use pair programming. We even equip our facilities to make pairing easier. Our computers have 2 large monitors, 2 keyboards, and 2 mice. Some teams pass the keyboard and mouse back and forth, and that works just as well.

What is Collective Code Ownership?

This is a great term that basically says that every member of a team should be able to work on any part of the system. If you’re usually working on the user experience you can still spend some time working with your application’s service layer, and if you’re the database guy you can work on some business logic.

Wouldn’t someone be able to do that job better? Yes, there probably is someone who knows each part of the application better than anyone else. You can work with that person if you want, and the two of you will be able to create some great code. What if that person who is better at that task is on vacation? Wouldn’t it be great if someone else knew the code.

Keeping the team familiar with the project means that the team can focus on certain parts of the system at a time and achieve great results. You don’t have to split your team based on layers or modules of your application. Let them intermingle. Fresh ideas and eyes can greatly improve things. They might come along and fix a defect or two for you later; saving you a great deal of work.

Why Pair Program?

Pair Programming The mind is the important part of programming, so why not have two? After all, programming is certainly not just typing. If you believed that how could you ever support pair programming?

If you pair program for every line of code in your application then you know that you’ve had at least two sets of eyes look at every line of code. This is a good deal of added security.

When you create some new piece of code that the whole team will need to work with, pair programming can be the solution to disseminating this information. You and the guy you created it with can split up and pair with another person each, and while working on the code you will each be showing your new partner how the new code should be used. This allows new information to spread quickly through the team.

Even the simplest things as learning keyboard shortcuts are improved by pair programming. When I use a cool keyboard shortcut, I can tell my partner what it is without breaking my train of thought. We can keep on typing, and when he has the keyboard in a minute or two, he can try it.

Pair Programming Computer Just like athletes, a programmer needs someone else there to help him keep the pace. You partner can help you avoid distractions, and most importantly he can keep you from taking shortcuts. When we write code we might say, “I can fix this later”. The partner will make a note of it and be sure you get it fixed later. If it can’t wait and you’re in the middle of something you can always pass it to another pair. Your partner can do that while you keep on coding. Remember that the other pair can work on any code because of the collective code ownership.

I am sure I missed plenty of reasons to pair program, but this list feels mostly adequate to get the point across.

Please let me know why you do or do not pair program. Is it work related? Are you an unbeliever?

Show Your Customer Unfinished Products

In what I would call the worst-case scenario,a customer’s involvement in a project could consist of setting up initial requirements at the start of a project and then viewing the results at the end of the project. This is of course not ideal for either the customer or the team developing the software.

In the next best scenario the customer could show up at the beginning and end of each release. This is still not enough. Why? At that point there is no slack remaining. What if the customer doesn’t like how something was done? What if there was a misunderstanding? What if the customer has something new that your design makes as a new requirement?

If the customer doesn’t like your design and you need to go and redo things, your time and the customer’s money has been wasted. I know it can be challenging with some customers, but you want to show them what you’re working on before you’re done. The customer can make changes based on what you show them.

When you mock up a design for something, show your customer. When you first set up the screen, show it to them before you’re done.

The customer will like that you’re keeping them involved. They can make changes now rather than at the last minute, which is good for you. You get the benefit of having questions answered. You can remove guesswork. If you got it wrong, don’t worry, the important thing is that it didn’t release that way.

Disconnects between the customer and the development team can happen easily. The customer doesn’t know why things take so long or even what you’re working on if you don’t tell them. You may feel like the customer is sabotaging your success if you wait until the end to show them what you’ve created. Get your constructive feedback earlier and you and the customer will be happier about the results.

This applies to agile teams as well. If you’re an agile team you may think that your weekly iteration gives your customer enough involvement since you can show them at the end of an iteration. It isn’t enough. You need your customer’s feedback throughout the iteration. In order for agile development to work you need to make sure that you are done  with your work at the end of every iteration. You can’t be done until your customer signs off on it, so make sure you’re getting them to sign off on things during the iteration. If you don’t you’ll never finish an iteration on time.

Keep Databases in Source Control

Well, sort of. Your database can be rather large, so you probably don’t want to actually have the database file in source control. I do think you should have your database in source control, but really just your schema. Remember in my post about keeping your binaries in source control I mentioned that it is important to be able to go back to any point in time for your application. This means the database will need to match as well. How can we allow ourselves to do that? Keep databases in source control.

We want to be storing the subset of SQL usually defined as the Data Definition Language. These are all of the statements that create tables, define columns, create indexes, and make any alterations to our database schema. There are plenty of ways to store these. In fact I recommend after reading this post that you attend a local user group and offer this topic as a discussion for an open space. We’ve done this topic at HudsonSC and you get to find out a lot about what solutions other teams are using and why they’re using them.

Why store the database in source control?

We get a few advantages here. This is not an exhaustive list, but it does include some good reasons for following this practice.

  • You can set up your project on any computer and have a local database to test against.
  • Always be able to rebuild your database if anything happens to it.
  • Go back to any point in time and be able to create the database.
  • Incrementally change things and be able to see what changes have been made at any point.

How can I store my database in source control?

There are plenty of ways in which you can store your database in source control. I’ve used a few different techniques for doing this. There are some tools which can help you do this. Keep in mind that you can build your own as well. They’re not very difficult to create.

I have used Visual Studio Database projects before. These are nice because they’re a full package for handling the changes. This is the heavyweight approach to managing your database changes. This keeps each table, index, key, view, stored procedure, etc. as its own file. This built-in Visual Studio system allows you to update the project and use the project to update database.

The lightweight approach is to make each change using a sql script. You can write the alter, create, and drop statements by hand and store each one in a file. This approach makes it harder to see how each table has changed over time, but gives a better view of what changes were made at what points in time. In order to deploy the database updates you’ll either need to write your own system or use a tool like Tarantino to keep track of the changes.

There are of course other tools for handling this situation. What tools are you using for managing your database?

Other considerations

You will probably also want to have some code which can fill your test database with data to be used for locally running your application. I recommend having this code be compiled code (not SQL scripts). The reason for this is so that you can have the compiler assist you in ensuring that the scripts aren’t out of date. You also want this to be part of your build process, so that no one can forget to update it. It should be run by your continuous integration server, so that the build will break if there are any issues.

This will also make updating your production database a lot easier since you will have stored scripts which define exactly which operations need to be performed in order to update your database according to the changes you’ve made.