Daily Dev Speedup - Using Visual Studio Snippets

In Visual Studio there are code snippets which can be used with auto-completion. These are a lot of the common structures used by developers when writing code. They are customizable using Visual Studio, but I find it much easier to use editors like Snippy. So if you were not using snippets because one of them was not exactly the way you wanted it to be, give a snippet editor a shot.

I highly recommend creating your own snippets as well as customizing them. I for example use one to create tests. I type 3 letters hit tab and type the name of the test method. This saves me the time of typing the attribute as well as "public void" and some curly braces every time I write a test. Yes, I know that a lot of these are simple little things, but trust me when I say that they all add up into faster development. How do you think all of the visual studio add-ins make money? They allow for a lot of little speed boosts which keep developers coding faster.

