Schedule Standups in the Morning

It may not seem like it’s that big of a deal. I know a lot of people make sure to have a daily standup meeting either with just the team or involving the client. Either way, it’s very important to schedule these meetings in the morning. The reason for the level of importance I place on this is the tone of the meeting.

The most important thing to get out of a standup meeting is having everyone on the same page for what’s going to be done that day. You need to know who’s there, who’s working on what, if priorities are changing. It’s your opportunity to know what is going to happen that day (most likely happen).

If you conduct this meeting in the afternoon or near the end of the day, the tone can shift to discussing what did or didn’t get done. That’s all well and good to know, but it detracts from the discussion of the future. Remember, you only get so much time; use that time to make the next step a better one. Focus on where you’re going, not where you’ve been.
