Now that CodeMash is over, it’s about time that I deposited information about my experiences at CodeMash 2012 here.
This was my third time at this event that always offers great sessions, workshops, discussions, fun, and bacon.
I am honored to have again been given the chance to speak at CodeMash. I co-presented the Software Craftsmanship precompiler workshops with Steve Smith for the 3rd year running. This year, we broke our day-long workshop into 2 sections: one beginner session and one intermediate session.
Both sessions turned out really well. We had a lot of good verbal feedback from the attendees during the workshops, we had some of our morning people stick around for the afternoon, and I heard from other people that those who attended enjoyed the workshop. I am really happy with how well it turned out. Thanks everyone who attended the sessions.
Beginning Software Craftsmanship
In the morning we did a beginner’s workshop that introduced the idea of Software Craftsmanship and what values go along with it. We discussed what people can do to get involved with their communities and realign their focus on building good, high quality software. As part of this, we show the group how they can work on improving their skills as Software Craftsmen through Katas and other programming exercises.
We had between 30 and 40 people attend the morning, beginner workshop, including a cobol programmer. We had the attendees mostly working on the Prime Factors Kata through the day. We started them doing the kata with little direction and asked that they do the work solo and without testing. We then had them do the kata again, but this time use testing to keep them on track designing their applications in a simpler way. In the third time doing the kata, we had everyone work in pairs on the kata to see how far they could get as a team using TDD.
Our main goal with the programming exercises in the morning is to have everyone leave with an understanding of pair programming, TDD, how to use programming exercises to hone their development skills, and we wanted them to leave motivated to work with their local communities to all become better at creating quality software. I believe we succeeded in our endeavor. The students talked about how the testing made the work easier and that pair programming was also much easier.
Intermediate Software Craftsmanship
The afternoon focused on some of the same ideas as the morning, but the people in the afternoon know about the values of software craftsmanship. We briefly reminded everyone, as I believe should be done. It’s important to remember and discuss why we do what we do. It gives us a chance to remember and reconsider everything we know and believe.
For this workshop, we had more than 50 people show up for the workshop, which meant that some people did not have table space for their laptops.
In the afternoon we did a few different exercises. One of them focusing on green-field development using good design patterns and practices to help reinforce how to use these effectively. The Greed kata is a great place to try out the strategy pattern as well as a few other good patterns. In the exercise, you continue to get more and more scoring rules added. Eventually, you want to get to following the Open/Closed Principle so that you’re not changing the existing code each time.
The other exercise we did is one which starts out with existing code to refactor. In the refactoring exercise we ask you to add a new feature. It then becomes your choice how to do it. You could just hack in an “if” statement. You could also take some time and refactor. Before you refactor, however, it’s usually a good idea to try to get some tests in place. To make things even more like real code, you need to perform a couple of careful refactorings before you can put your first tests in place. You also get to decide how many tests you want to write and how much to refactor when adding this new feature.
Future Events
If you want to take part in this or a future workshop, I am hoping that CodeMash will invite me back next year to do another great workshop or two. I am also hoping to do a free Software Engineering 101 event again in Cleveland.
In software development, it is very important to continually learn and experiment with new techniques for building great software. Our job is to learn and improve the quality of code that we build over time. It is through this progression of experimentation, failing, succeeding, observing, reading, listening, and teaching that we as developers improve. In this post, I am going to discuss one way in which we as developers have learned something great and have taken it to the point of failure. This will allow us to learn, resolve, create new techniques, and succeed in the future.
What is Dependency Inversion?
One of the most important SOLID principles for testing our applications is the Dependency Inversion principle. I am very glad to see many more codebases using this technique as time goes on, however, I am seeing nearly as many others getting caught up in an easy mistake of using too much injection and putting interfaces on everything regardless of necessity. Lets start by defining dependency inversion so we’re all on the same page.
From Wikipedia:
In object-oriented programming, the dependency inversion principle refers to a specific form of decoupling where conventional dependency relationships established from high-level, policy-setting modules to low-level, dependency modules are inverted (i.e. reversed) for the purpose of rendering high-level modules independent of the low-level module implementation details. The principle states:
- A. High-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions.
- B. Abstractions should not depend upon details. Details should depend upon abstractions.
Reading directly from this, we can see that it says we should be depending on abstractions and in doing so we take a much lighter dependency. A dependency on an abstraction is not a big deal. A dependency on a concrete class is a big deal.
Is what I just said always true? No, it depends on the abstraction and the concrete class. For example, I make an exception for simple classes provided through the framework or language my code is primarily based on. For instance, I have no problem saying that my method depends on being given a DateTime object since there is no real gain by abstracting that object since that is a part of the framework and I will always be injecting in an object of that type.
When are interfaces and injection being overused?
One example of over-architected injection that I see a lot comes from something that I’ve taught many times when explaining SOLID. It’s the classic example of a dependency that people don’t realize they have.
I assume most of my readers know that this is a dependency taken directly on the system clock. It’s important to inject this dependency when your code behaves differently based on the value returned from that static method. When we extract that dependency, people have been taught (by many people including me) that a good way of testing this is to have some kind of IClock interface with an implementation of SystemClock accessing the computers clock by calling that static method we were just discussing.
Now when we write our method, we just give it a parameter of IClock. When we run our code in production, it’s taking in the SystemClock object, and in our tests we’re using a mock object. Great! We’ve reversed the dependency! Is that really what we wanted though? It might have been, but in some cases we could have just passed in the DateTime instance object returned from that method. This would have reduced complexity in our code.
Because we used this interface instead of just depending on simple concrete classes, we’ve actually made our code more difficult to use and maintain. Isn’t that the whole reason we were following SOLID in the first place? Yes, yes it is. This is of course a simple example, but you can find larger examples of where you could test your code and build in a nice structure without having to create pointless interfaces. Heck even in this example, you might have a good reason to need that Interface, but I am sure that you could get away with using it less. Every time you add that layer, you add complexity. Sometimes adding it is OK, because it gives you a much needed seam, but I doubt you need it as often as you think.
Please make sure that you need the interfaces and layers of abstraction before creating them. I’ve come across many codebases that become as complex or more simply by trying to do things “the right way”.
The road to software development hell is paved with good intentions.
Don’t like the way I phrased something? Think I overgeneralized? Did I make a mistake?
Call me out on it!
I appreciate the feedback.
This will surprise some of you that know me or the company I work for, but not all of our staff are experts with ASP.NET MVC. In fact, I am hoping that the couple who aren’t will read this post and learn a little bit more about the topic.
Since the actions of controllers in MVC are dealt with constantly, I think it is a good place to start. This post is going to briefly describe the different types of results that are available to you in ASP.NET MVC 3. I will show some of the code that makes them work, which should make all of this seem a lot less complicated.
When creating new controllers in ASP.NET MVC 3, they will come with one or more actions by default. This depends on whether you selected a template which includes extras for you. The Empty controller template comes with an Index action with a return value of type ActionResult.
The action result is a very generic return value for an action. This is because it is the abstract base class for other types of actions. It is actually a very simple class having only one method that needs implementing.
public abstract class ActionResult
public abstract void
ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context);
Inheriting from the ActionResult are the following classes:
- ContentResult
- EmptyResult
- FileResult
- HttpStatusCodeResult
- JavaScriptResult
- RedirectResult
- RedirectToRouteResult
- ViewResultBase
These are the classes that inherit from ActionResult indirectly:
- FileContentResult
- FilePathResult
- FileStreamResult
- HttpNotFoundResult
- HttpUnauthorizedResult
- PartialViewResult
- ViewResult
ViewResultBase, ViewResult, and PartialViewResult
The ViewResult is the most common concrete type you will be returning as a controller action. It has an abstract base class called ViewResultBase, which it shares with PartialViewResult.
It is in the ViewResultBase abstract base class that we get access to all of our familiar data objects like: TempData, ViewData, and ViewBag.
PartialViews are not common as action results. PartialViews are not the primary thing being displayed to the user, that is the View. The partial view is usually a widget or something else on the page. It’s usually not the primary content the user sees.
This is the common return syntax, and it means that you’re returning a ViewResult.
That is actually a call to the base Controller.View method, which is just going to call through with some defaults.
protected internal ViewResult View()
return View(null, null, null);
The beauty of ASP.NET MVC is actually in its simplicity though, because all that really did was create our ViewResult for us. If we take a look at the method that is being called you can see that we’re just taking a little shortcut and keeping our action clean of this code we would otherwise repeat every time we wanted a ViewResult.
protected internal virtual ViewResult View(
string viewName, string masterName, object model)
if (model != null)
ViewData.Model = model;
return new ViewResult
ViewName = viewName,
MasterName = masterName,
ViewData = ViewData,
TempData = TempData
Notice how simple that really is. All it did was put the model data in if we specified it, give the ViewResult the Controller properties that we set already, and assign the viewName and masterName.
Keep in mind, that we already saw that the abstract method in the ActionResult was the ExecuteResult method. The last two things to look at with the ViewResultBase are the ExecuteResult method and its abstract method FindView, which is being implemented by ViewResult and PartialViewResult.
public override void ExecuteResult(
ControllerContext context)
if (context == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ViewName))
ViewName = context.RouteData
ViewEngineResult result = null;
if (View == null)
result = FindView(context);
View = result.View;
TextWriter writer = context.HttpContext.Response.Output;
ViewContext viewContext = new ViewContext(
context, View, ViewData, TempData, writer);
View.Render(viewContext, writer);
if (result != null)
result.ViewEngine.ReleaseView(context, View);
This method is also not very complicated. It checks to make sure we have context, and then if we don’t have the ViewName then we get that information from the RouteData. Remember in MVC that the name of action is included in the RouteData, so we can use that as the default view name. This means that in the Index action, if we just call View(), it will give us a ViewName of “Index”.
We then get the view we’re looking for by calling the FindView abstract method, which means we’re calling through to either ViewResult and PartialViewResult. Those I am not going to get into the guts of, but each one is going to try to find the correct view based on the name using its collection of ViewEngines.
Once we have the view, we are able to tell it to render itself using the context and the TextWriter we give to it.
That’s all there is to a ViewResult.
The content result lets you define whatever content you wish to return. You can specify the content type, the encoding, and the content. This gives you control to have the system give whatever response you want. This is a good result to use when you need a lot of control over what you’re returning and it’s not one of the standards.
Its ExecuteResult override is extremely simple.
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
if (context == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
HttpResponseBase response = context.HttpContext.Response;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentType))
response.ContentType = ContentType;
if (ContentEncoding != null)
response.ContentEncoding = ContentEncoding;
if (Content != null)
It just puts what you specified directly into the response.
There is no simpler result than the EmptyResult. All it does is override the ExecuteResult method and since that method is void, the method is empty.
I really don’t think I need that code snippet for this one.
FileResult, FileStreamResult, FilePathResult, and FileContentResult
If you want specific actions to send files as the response, then the FileResult is for you. Sadly, the FileResult is abstract, so you’ll need to use one of the inheriting classes instead. Each of these actually just overrides the WriteFile method for the abstract FileResult class.
If you want to just send the contents of the file back with the array of bytes for the file, then you want the FileContentResult. It uses the response’s OutputStream and writes those bytes directly into the stream sending it down to the user.
If you want to transmit the file using its name, you can use FilePathResult, which will call through a whole bunch of layers finally down to the HttpResponse. Once there it is going to create a new FileStream for your file and write the stream to the response allowing the file to be accessed from your action.
If you’ve already got a stream you can use the FileStreamResult, which will read all of the data from your stream and then write it into the OutputStream to be send back in the response.
These really aren’t all that complicated, but if you want to have control over the file downloads in your application, this is a great way to do it. These give you the power to put any code you want in your action before you give back the FileResult.
The HttpStatusCodeResult is as simple as the ContentResult. In fact, the two are quite similar since they both just directly modify the response object.
This one lets you return any StatusCode you want and you can include a StatusDescription for specifics.
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
if (context == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
context.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode = StatusCode;
if (StatusDescription != null)
.StatusDescription = StatusDescription;
See how simple that is? It’s basically just two lines of code with some null checking included.
HttpNotFoundResult and HttpUnauthorizedResult
These two results are actually just implementing the HttpStatusCodeResult, which means that they are very simple and just set the StatusCode to 404 for the HttpNotFoundResult and 401 for the HttpUnauthorizedResult.
About as simple as plenty of the others, this is just a quick way of getting JavaScript returned from a action. It’s similar to the ContentResult, but it has the ContentType hardcoded to “application/x-javascript” and just writes out the Script property.
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
if (context == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
HttpResponseBase response = context.HttpContext.Response;
response.ContentType = "application/x-javascript";
if (Script != null)
This one is a bit more complex, but still not very. It also has hardcoded its ContentType, but what makes it a bit more complex is that it uses a hardcoded JavaScriptSerializer to serialize the JSON data before writing it directly to the response.
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context)
if (context == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("context");
if (JsonRequestBehavior == JsonRequestBehavior.DenyGet &&
"GET", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))
throw new InvalidOperationException(
HttpResponseBase response = context.HttpContext.Response;
if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(ContentType)) {
response.ContentType = ContentType;
else {
response.ContentType = "application/json";
if (ContentEncoding != null) {
response.ContentEncoding = ContentEncoding;
if (Data != null) {
JavaScriptSerializer serializer =
new JavaScriptSerializer();
RedirectResult and RedirectToRouteResult
These to are a little bit more complex, but both are ways of redirecting. Each one can either be a permanent or temporary redirect and they both just use the Redirect methods on the Response object.
For redirecting to a route, it is going to generate a URL to the route using the UrlHelper’s GenerateUrl method. For the RedirectResult it is instead going to use the UrlHelpers GenerateContentUrl method.
Either of these two are useful, and both will maintain your TempData if you need to pass something along with the redirect, all you have to do is put it in TempData.
I hope you’ve learned that the results of actions in MVC are not actually very complicated, but there is a lot you can do with them. You’re not being forced into just displaying views. You have a lot more control than that. None of them were that complicated were they? The code under the hood is not always complicated, so it’s worth taking a look from time to time. If you examine how something is working, it’s often far easier to use it.
If you’re new to ASP.NET MVC, you might be wondering what these two things are and when to use each one. If you’ve been using MVC and are just new to version 3 of MVC, you are probably wondering what this new ViewBag is for and if it’s different from the ViewData you’ve been using. In the beginning of the Summer, I had the opportunity to explain this difference to the two NimblePros interns when they started working on ASP.NET MVC 3 for the first time. This post should serve as a reference for them, me, and anyone else who is interested in knowing more about these two objects.
ViewBag and ViewData serve the same purpose in allowing developers to pass data from controllers to views. When you put objects in either one, those objects become accessible in the view. This is one way we interact between the view and the controller in ASP.NET MVC. We pass data from the view to the controller by placing it in these objects.
How ViewData Works
ViewData is a dictionary of objects that are accessible using strings as keys. This means that we will write code like this:
In the Controller
public ActionResult Index()
var softwareDevelopers = new List<string>
"Brendan Enrick",
"Kevin Kuebler",
"Todd Ropog"
ViewData["softwareDevelopers"] = softwareDevelopers;
return View();
In the View
@foreach (var developer in (List<string>)ViewData["softwareDevelopers"])
Notice that when we go to use out object on the view that we have to cast it since the ViewData is storing everything as object. Also, we need to be careful since we’re using magic strings to access these values.
How ViewBag Works
ViewBag uses the dynamic feature that was added in to C# 4. It allows an object to dynamically have properties added to it. The code we write using ViewBag will look like this:
In the Controller
public ActionResult Index()
var softwareDevelopers = new List<string>
"Brendan Enrick",
"Kevin Kuebler",
"Todd Ropog"
ViewBag.softwareDevelopers = softwareDevelopers;
return View();
In the View
@foreach (var developer in ViewBag.softwareDevelopers)
Notice here that we did not have to cast our object when using the ViewBag. This is because the dynamic we used lets us know the type. Keep in mind that these dynamics are as the name suggest, dynamic, which means that you need to be careful as these are basically magic properties instead of magic strings.
ViewBag and ViewData Under the Hood
So these two things seem to work almost exactly the same. What’s the difference? The difference is only in how you access the data. ViewBag is actually just a wrapper around the ViewData object, and its whole purpose is to let you use dynamics to access the data instead of using magic strings. Some people prefer one style over the other. You can pick whichever you like. In fact, because they’re the same data just with two different ways of accessing it, you can use them interchangeably. (I don’t recommend this, but you can do it.) If you want you are able to put data into the ViewBag and access it from the ViewData or put stuff in the ViewData and access it in the ViewBag.
This is all that the ViewBag property is. It’s just a DynamicViewDataDictionary with the ViewData as its data.
public dynamic ViewBag
if (_dynamicViewData == null)
_dynamicViewData =
new DynamicViewDataDictionary(() => ViewData);
return _dynamicViewData;
Then when we access the dynamic members of the DynamicViewDataDictionary, we are actually just getting this override of the DynamicObject’s TryGetMember. In this method, it’s just using the name of the member we tried to access as the string key for the ViewData dictionary.
public override bool TryGetMember(
GetMemberBinder binder, out object result)
result = ViewData[binder.Name];
return true;
So for a short answer:
These two objects are two different ways of accessing the exact same data. The ViewBag is just a dynamic wrapper around the ViewData dictionary.
This year’s Cleveland GiveCamp was a great success. The event ended with the completion of 23 software projects for 23 organizations who needed the support of a lot of fantastic developers. The GiveCamp event in Cleveland is one of many events that happen all over.
The event brings together non-profit organizations and charities who need assistance in developing software to fit their needs. These people get together with volunteers to figure out what they need and how to best achieve that over the course of a weekend. When the event begins, hundreds of developers gather, split into teams, and work together to complete these projects over a weekend. That’s right, it all happens in one weekend. That means that the event is fast-paced and delivers a great deal of value to the organizations.
I worked on the Euclid Beach Park Now with a great group of people including one other NimblePros team member. We were building a new, dynamic site for the group. Our main goals were to give the site a fresh new look and make it so that updates could be made easily to the site. We also wanted to allow visitors to the site to write about their experiences and memories of the Euclid Beach Park.
The group started with a lot of great .NET expertise, so they wanted to use a .NET-based CMS to allow them to customize it if needed. They decided to use Orchard CMS, so they asked if anyone at the event knew about Orchard CMS. Caitlin Steinert and I raised our hands as people who had used Orchard before. We joined the team.
The group of people working on that project were fantastic and were able to get up to speed with Orchard in just that weekend. We occasionally called in Kevin Kuebler with a question or two, but other than that the group was able to build the whole project in the course of the weekend. The site is now hosted through DiscountASP.NET who offers free Windows hosting for GiveCamp-created sites.
Without such a fantastic group of people there is no way we could have accomplished so much in the course of just that weekend. I’d like to thank the rest of my team for doing such a fantastic job for Euclid Beach Park Now who seemed to really love the site we built for them.
Our team
